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* mandatory fields
Title of the recipe: *
Be specific! Give a description of the recipe.
For example: " Fried chicken with mexican sauce "
Needed ingredients: (Write as much as you like) *
Example of ingredients:
  • 1 (3 pound) whole chicken, cut into pieces
  • 2 cups oil for frying
  • 1 tablespoon steak sauce
  • 1 cup barbeque sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon seasoned salt
Recipe Preparation: (Write as much as you like) *
Example of preparation:
  • In a large shallow dish, mix together flour, seasoned salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, then whisk in buttermilk, barbeque sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and steak sauce.

  • Dredge chicken in milk mixture, then in seasoned flour, alternating in each at least twice. Heat oil in a large, deep-sided skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

  • Cook chicken in hot oil until golden brown on both sides, about 10 minutes each side.

  • Now, it's ready to serve!
Category(s) of the recipe *
bakery & bread
ideas for dinner
You can select multiple categories.

For example:
. " Beef with chili sauce ": Meat
. " Salmon with chinese rice "
: Fish + Rice
Prepararion Time *
Serves how many? *
Average Cost *
This recipe is easy to cook? *
Easy Difficult
Easy: soup, salads, pasta
Moderate: cake, lasagna
Difficult: dishes with sauce, risotto
Average rating of the recipe *
Bad Average star rating of the recipe Average star rating of the recipe Average star rating of the recipe Average star rating of the recipe Average star rating of the recipe Very good
Add a photo of the recipe:

Conditions : Add the main photo of the recipe in a format .jpg, .gif o .png.
Why do you advise to cook this recipe? *

You can explain why you like this recipe:

Tips, suggestions...Tell us the story of your recipe, why it's special or explain us the reaction of those who have tasted your recipe.

Example : "This chocolate cake has not as much sugar than other pastries, but it's very sweet. It's delicious alone, or accompanied by pieces of fruit. This recipe has become one of our family favorites. "

Nutritional information / Other recommendations:
Health benefits, nutritional information, how to use the remains, what to drink to accompany, tips for freezing, presentation advices.
Name or Alias: *
Email: *
Alias: name that appears with the recipe.
Email: to be informed of the publication of the recipe. Not visible.