1. Chop walnuts to medium fine and mix with 1 cup sugar, 1/4 Teaspoon ground Cinnamon and 1/4 Teaspoon ground Cloves. 2. Melt Butter. 3. Cut Fillo ...
1/2 c Oil-free italian dressing 2 Cl Garlic; more to taste 1/4 ts Paprika 4 Whole-wheat pita bread; spli ...
Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
Celebrity chef. Italian cuisine chef who owns 13 restaurants. Earnings: $3 million
American celebrity chef. Top Southwestern cooking. He hosts Throwdown! Earnings: $2 million
Discover the best salad recipes with pictures: lettuce, tomato, etc...
Delicious and light salads!
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures for all family: hamburger, hot dog, tuna, beef, vegetarian, etc...
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures: grilled, roasted, barbecue. All delicious chicken recipes for the family!