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Original oyster stew by: antouneto

In a large soup pot over medium heat, add the potato, onion, leek, celery, garlic, bay leaves, butter, water and clam juice. Cover and gently simmer ...

Fakkes (lentil soup) by: fatoumia

Clean the lentils well and place in a covered pot with enough water to emerse them. Boil for a short while and dump the water. Place the lentils back ...

Proceed as follows: Mix the mustard, (egg yolk), vinegar, sugar salt and pepper. The egg yolk is not necessary, but will make the sauce smoother and ...

Prepare crust and cool. In 2 quart sauce pan, mix sugar, flour and salt. Stir in milk until smooth. Over medium heat, cook mixture, stirring ...

Proceed as follows: Bring the water, the salt and half of the dill to a boil. Add the crayfishes, 10 at a time and let the water come to a biol ...

Spicy lamb stew by: mardemoutou

Stir-fry lamb in a large Dutch oven coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat until browned; drain. Combine lamb and next 5 ingredients; toss ...

1. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Crumble the sausage into the pan, then add the onion. Sauté the sausage and onion for 3 to 4 minutes or until ...

PREPARE THE CABBAGE LEAVES: The Old timers would freeze the head solid, then peel the leaves from the head as they thawed. The best way I've found ...

Boil goose and onion in 4 quarts of water until meat will tear from bones. Remove goose from water. De-bone and chunk the meat. Fry bacon until ...

Separate dough into 4 long rectangles. Place rectangles crosswise on 1 large or 2 small cookie sheets (rectangles should not touch), firmly press ...

Celebrity Chefs Recipes (cooking)

Alain Ducasse
(celebrity chef)

Alain Ducasse

The most famous french celebrity chef with 3 stars at the Michelin Guide awards. Earnings: $15.9 million

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Celebrity chefs

Wolfgang Puck
(celebrity chef)

Wolfgang Puck

Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million

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Celebrity chefs

Mario Batali
(celebrity chef)

Mario Batali

Celebrity chef. Italian cuisine chef who owns 13 restaurants. Earnings: $3 million

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