Soften yeast in water. Add sugar, salt, shortening, and egg. Add flour slowly, beating thoroughly after each addition until dough is just stiff ...
In a heated skillet filmed with oil,drop mixture by spoonful, 3 at a time.You may need to spread them out a little with your spoon.When golden,turn ...
1. In a large mixing bowl, stir together flour, sugar, soda, salt and powder. Use only 1/2 tsp salt at this time. Using a pastry blender, cut in ...
Sift flour, measure, and sift with baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in shortening and add raisins. Add sufficient milk to which egg has been added ...
Cream eggs and butter together. Add other ingredients and mix well. Note: If using cottage cheese, use only the egg ...
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare Streusel. Grease square pan, 9 X 9 X 2 inches. Beat all ingredients except chocolate chips, raspberries and ...
Combine flour, baking powder and salt in small bowl. Beat butter and sugar in large mixer bowl at medium speed until light and fluffy. Beat in egg ...
Place the bell peppers, tomatoes, onion, garlic, coriander, and parsley in a blender and mix until a smooth paste. (This can be kept in the ...
Pop 2 batches air-popped popcorn (or enough to fill a greased aluminum roaster pan.) Melt and boil for 5 minutes, the brown sugar, butter and Karo ...
Place all ingredients in blender container. Cover and blend on high speed until smooth, about 45 seconds. Serve with raw vegetables, assorted ...
Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
American celebrity chef. Top Southwestern cooking. He hosts Throwdown! Earnings: $2 million
Celebrity chef with 3 stars at the Michelin Guide, with worldwide restaurants!
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures: grilled, roasted, barbecue. All delicious chicken recipes for the family!
Discover the best salad recipes with pictures: lettuce, tomato, etc...
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Discover the best rice recipes with pictures: risotto, basmati, brown rice. Try delicious rice free recipes.