Place onion and butter in microwave and cook until onions are clear. Mix all ingredients together. Place in pie crust lined pie pan and press down ...
Wash the rice and boil into almost-done porridge. After discarding the uneatable parts of the lobster and wash it, put in the porridge, add salt, ...
Preparation Melt butter over medium heat. Blend in flour, salt and pepper. Add milk and liquid from salmon and peas; stir until thick. Break ...
For Salsa Verde:Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a medium skillet. In the hot oil, saute shallots and anchovies, stirring until shallots are ...
Preparation In large soup pot add beer, spices (except file powder), garlic, boullion cubes, bell peppers, tomato. Simmer covered 20 min till skins ...
Arrange fish on baking pan sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Sprinkle with lemon juice. In small bowl beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold ...
Combine 1 cup flour, beer, garlic salt, salt and pepper in a bowl. Mix well. Dip catfish strips in remaining flour and then in batter. Fry in hot oil ...
Place fillets in large shallow dish. Season fish with salt, black pepper and hot pepper sauce; cover and refrigerate 1 hour. In small saucepan, ...
Remove the skin of the carp. Take out all the brownish-redish-colored part of the meat, the "mud vein"; discard. Chunk up the rest of the carp ...
Clean the fish and cut out two connected middle sections. Score each section once from the backbone to each side, and twice parallel to the ...
American celebrity chef. Top Southwestern cooking. He hosts Throwdown! Earnings: $2 million
The most famous french celebrity chef with 3 stars at the Michelin Guide awards. Earnings: $15.9 million
Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million
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