Mash the tarama the potatoes and the onion. Beat the mix until very soft and creamy. Add the olive oil and lemon juice together very slowly while ...
Wash the liver very well. If using lamb's or calf's liver, cut it into strips or cubes. Season the liver with salt and pepper and dredge in the ...
1. In a food processor, chop salmon using an on-and-off motion. Add remaining ingredients, except peas, and whirl until almost smooth. Taste and add ...
Cut the meat into 2 x 2 inch cubes. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and marinate, preferably overnight, in the refrigerator. Skewer with or ...
Skin and mash the garlic. Add the potatoes and mash them as well while slowly adding the olive oil. Salt and vinegar to ...
Proceed as follows: Drain the liquid from the pickled sliced beets, reserving the liquid. Drain the liquid from 3/4 cup (or one jar, 6-8 oz. size) ...
Beat four eggs with a whisk in a heavy-bottom saucepan. Slice 50-75 grams of fresh or canned truffles (truffle substitutes usually work equally ...
Cut the cheese into a slab about 3/4" thick. Heat the butter in the frying pan and sear the cheese. As the cheese starts to brown pour the lemon ...
Mix and chill. Serve in hollowed out loaf of rye bread. Use bread pieces for ...
Directions COARSELY chop enough roasted bell peppers to equal 1/2 cup. PLACE remaining bell peppers, beans, tofu, parsley, lime juice, olive oil, ...
American celebrity chef. Top Southwestern cooking. He hosts Throwdown! Earnings: $2 million
English celebrity chef also known as The Naked Chef. BBC food television shows.
Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures for all family: hamburger, hot dog, tuna, beef, vegetarian, etc...
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures: grilled, roasted, barbecue. All delicious chicken recipes for the family!
Discover the best pasta recipes with pictures: raviolis, spaghettis, lasagna, cannellinis, and more pasta recipes!