Cream the cheese with hands until smooth. Add 10 eggs and mix well. Dissolve 1 yeast cake in 1/2 cup lukewarm water and add to the mixture. Add 1 cup ...
PLACE peeled pears in medium saucepan. SPRINKLE sugar over pears and cover with red wine. ADD fresh lemon peel and cinnamon stick. SIMMER pears over ...
Make Jelly with the boiling water and drained juice of pineapple. Put this in fridge to set. Whip cream. Put pineapple in cream and fold. When Jelly ...
Sift the dry ingredients togher into a bowl. Add the margarine and butter then beat with an electric mixer ot make crumbs. Reserve 1/2 cup of the ...
Mix egg yolks, sugar, milk and salt in 2-quart saucepan. Cover over medium heat, stirring constantly, just to boiling (do not boil). Refrigerat in ...
Heat molasses in small saucepan to boiling point. The boil 1 minute. Add sugar and butter and stir until butter is melted. Cool. Beat in egg. Sift ...
Directions: Mix the margarine and brown sugar until fluffy then beat in the egg and vanilla. Mix the flour into the batter. Add peanuts and mix ...
Combine the sugar, milk, and syrup in a 3 quarts (2850 ml) heavy pan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. After it comes to a ...
1. Cut the top half off of the muffin cups so that they are shallower. 2. Pour the chocolate chips into a glass bowl and melt them in the microwave: ...
Beat egg white until stiff. Stir in orange rind, lemon juice, salt and 2 cups (475 ml) sugar until well blended. Sprinkle the 2 tbsp (30 ml) sugar ...
American television personality and top chef. The 79th most powerful celebrity in the world. Earnings: $15 million
Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million
English celebrity chef also known as The Naked Chef. BBC food television shows.
Discover the best chicken recipes with pictures for all family: hamburger, hot dog, tuna, beef, vegetarian, etc...
Discover the best fish recipes with pictures for all family: sushi, tuna, hake, sea bream, salmon, and more fish recipes.
Discover the best meat recipes with pictures: chicken, pork, beef, veal, etc... Try delicious meat free recipes!