1991 1st place: caramel pecan treasures

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 c Butter, softened
3/4 c Lightly packed light
Brown sugar
1 ts Vanilla
1 3/4 c All-purpose flour
1/2 ts Baking powder
12 oz Semisweet chocolate chips
1 tb Vegetable shortening
25 to 30 caramels, cut in
Half, rolled into balls
Finely chopped pecans

Preparation time: 50 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

1. Heat oven to 325 degrees. Have ungreased baking sheets ready.

2. Cream butter, sugar and vanilla in large mixer bowl until
well-mixed. Stir in flour and baking powder. (If kitchen is warm,
refrigerate dough for a few minutes; dough should be firm enough to
roll easily.) Shape scant teaspoonsful of dough into balls about the
size of a marble. Place on baking sheet, leaving about 2 inches
between cookies. Flatten slightly.

3. Bake until golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer to wire racks to

4. Melt chocolate chips with shortening in top of double boiler set
over simmering water. Remove from heat.

5. Flatten caramel halves so they are the same diameter as the
cookie. Put one caramel half on top of each cookie. (If necessary,
use a dab of chocolate as "glue" to help caramel adhere to cookie.)
Using a small metal spatula, spread melted chocolate thinly over top
and sides of caramel and cookie to cover. Press chopped pecans onto
tops of cookies. Let stand on a wire rack until chocolate firms
(refrigerate if desired), about 20 minutes. Put into individual paper
wrappers. Store in a cookie tin with a piece of wax paper between
each layer.

The first-place winner of the Tribune's 1991 Holiday Cookie Contest
is Elaine Rysner. She prefers to make the cookies small - about the
diameter of a quarter. Use high-quality caramels and chocolate for
the best cookies. from the Chicago Tribune fourth annual Food Guide
Holiday Cookie Contest December 5, 1991

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