431332 syllabub trifle

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Recipe by: danishia

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Strawberries (1 to 1 1/2 pt) 5 oz White wine
1/2 lb To 1 lb grapes 2 tb Brandy
1 pk Macaroon cookies 1 ct Cream
3 Egg whites Juice of 1/2 lemon
3/4 c Sugar

Reserve some fruit for decoration. Hull and slice strawberries.
Halve and de-seed grapes. Arrange strawberries (half) and half the
grapes in a glass bowl. Cover with a single layer of macaroon
cookies. Layer remaining fruit and enough macaroons for a single
layer to finish. Stiffly whisk egg whites. Add sugar, wine, brandy,
and lemon juice. Carefully fold into whites. Whip cream and fold
into meringue mixture. Pour over fruit and macaroons. Cover with
plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours. The wine and brandy will
fall from the cream and soak the macaroons to soften. Decorate with
fruit and macaroon crumbs. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On

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