Apple strawberry jelly

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Recipe by: jorga

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 c Unsweetened bottled apple 3 1/2 c Granulated sugar
-juice 1 Pouch liquid fruit pectin
1 pt Fully ripe strawberries

Pour apple juice into a preserving kettle or large saucepan. Thoroughly
crush the barries, using a potato masher, one layer at a time; measure 1/2
cup prepared berries; add to apple juice; add sugar. Place pan over high
heat; bring to boil, stirring continuously; at once, stir in liquid fruit
pectin; bring to a full rolling boil; boil hard for 1 minutes,stirring
continuously; remove kettle from heat. Skim off foam with a metal spoon;
pour quickly into hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space; seal
with melted paraffin wax; cover with clean lids. Stor in a cool, dark, dry

**NOTE** Bottled Strawberry cocktail can be substituted for the fresh
strawberry juice, giving a slightly sweeter product. Makes 3-1/2 cups.

Origin: Appeal (quarterly publication by Overwaitea Foods) Shared by:
Sharon Stevens.

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