"Discover how to cook this appetizers recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Appetizers recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick appetizers recipe!"
Recipe by: seymanur
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
1 c Unsalted pretzel twists
1 1/2 c Cheerios
1 1/2 c Crispix cereal
1/3 c Raisins
1/4 c Unsalted dry-roasted peanuts
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl or jar for a snack mix.
4 servings, approx 1 cup each 213 calories, 5 g protein, 5 g fat, 40 g
carbohydrate, 3.3 g fiber, 0 cholesterol, 206 mg sodium, 266 mg
Exchanges: 2 starch/bread, 1/2 fruit, 1 fat Source: Univ. of Calif.
San Diego UCSD Healthy Diet for Diabetes c.1990
My note: a dieter would not be able to have 1 cup of this at a time
because it would use up too many exchanges of the daily meal plan. For
comparison 3 c air-popped popcorn is 1 starch/bread exchange.
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American celebrity chef. Top Southwestern cooking. He hosts Throwdown! Earnings: $2 million
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