Best rice con queso

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Recipe by: lissette

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 c Cooked brown rice (1 1/2 1 lg Onion, chopped
-cups uncooked), cooked with 1 sm Can chiles, chopped
Salt and pepper 1/2 lb Ricotta cheese, thinned with
1 1/3 c Cooked black beans or -a little low fat milk or
-blackeyed peas, pinto Yogurt until spreadable
-beans, 3/4 lb Shredded Monterrey Jack
Etc. (about 1/2 cup -cheese
-uncooked) 1/2 c Shredded cheddar cheese
3 Cloves garlic, minced

Garnishes (optional): chopped black olives, onions, fresh parsley

Preheat oven to 350 degree F. Mix together rice, beans, garlic,
onion, and chilies. In a casserole, spread alternating layers of the
rice-beans mixture, ricotta cheese, and jack cheese, ending with a
layer of rice and beans. Bake for 30 minutes. During the last few
minutes of baking, sprinkle cheddar cheese over the top. Garnish
before serving.

Complementary protein: rice and beans and milk products

From: DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET by Frances Moore Lappe' ISBN
0-345-30691-0. Random House, New York. 1971-82 Posted by: Karin
Brewer, Cooking Echo, 7/92

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