Browned seasoned freezer mix

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Recipe by: osemudiame

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 lb Ground beef
1 1/2 Large onion,chopped
3 Cloves garlic,minced
2 ts Salt
3/4 ts Pepper

Cook and stir meat, onions and garlic in Dutch oven until meat is
brown. Drain off fat. Stir in seasonings. Spread meat mixture in 2
ungreased baking pans, 13x9x2 inches. Freeze 1 hour. (This partial
freezing prevents the meat from freezing together solidly.) Crumble
meat mixture into small pieces; place in heavy plastic bag or freezer
container. Seal securely and label; freeze no longer than 3 months.
Use freezer mix in the recipes that call for it. NOTE: You can use
this mix in any recipe for drained, seasoned browned ground beef.
Each 3 1/2 cups lightly packed frozen mix is the equivalent of 1
pound ground beef, 1/3 cup chopped onion, 1 small clove garlic, 1/2
teaspoon salt and dash of pepper. (If mixture is not frozen, allow 3

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