Cervelles en matelote - french recipe

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Recipe by: ahron

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c macon (or burgundy)
1 c brown stock,or canned
1/4 t thyme
4 sprigs parsley
1 bay leaf
1 cl garlic,mashed
1 1/2 lb calve's brains,soaked and
1/2 T tomato paste
2 T flour,mashed to a paste w/
2 T butter,softened
1 salt and pepper
24 sm onions,brown-braised
1/2 lb fresh mushrooms,sauteed in
2 T butter,Softened
12 lg croutons
2 T parsley,minced

Bring the wine and stock to the simmer with the herbs and garlic.
Add the brains, bring to the simmer, and cook uncovered at just below the simmer for 20 min. allow the brains to cool in the soaking liquid for
20 min so they absorb flavor and firm up. Drain them, slice into 1/2"
slices and arrange in a serving dish.

Beat the tomato paste into the cooking stock and boil down rapidly
until the liquid is reduced to 1 1/2 cups. Off heat, beat in the
flour-butter mixture; boil, stirring, for 1 min. Correct seasoning.
Arrange the brown braised onions and sauteed mushrooms around the
brains and strain the sauce over them. If not served right away, film
the sauce with a spoonful of stock or melted butter.

Just before serving, set over low heat to warm throughout for 3-4 min
without simmering. Off heat, tip dish, add butter and baste brains and
vegetables with the sauce until the butter is absorbed. Decorate with
croutons [shaped white bread sauteed in clarified butter] and parsley.

Serve over rice or with parsley potatoes and green beans with a light
red Burgundy or Macon.

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