"Discover how to cook this dessert recipe. Sweet dessert recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Dessert recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick dessert recipe!"
Recipe by: taÏsa
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
---------------------FROM CHEF FREDDY'S--------------------------
5 c Rhubarb [diced «"] 1 pk White cake mix
1 pk Strawberry gelatin mix 3 c Mini-marshmallows
1 c Sugar
1) Put the rhubarb in the bottom of 9" x 11" glass cake/baking
2) Mix the gelatin and the sugar, pour over the rhubarb, cover
with the marshmallows, then pour the cake mix on top of everything...
3) Bake in a 350ø oven for 45 to 50 min... cool to room
temperature and then refrigerate `til ready to serve, garnish as
desired... cf
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