Chocolate chip cookies - hawley

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Recipe by: fadhil

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

115 g Flour
2 ml Salt
2 1/2 ml Baking soda
100 g Butter, softened (1 stick)
60 g White sugar
60 g Brown sugar
2 1/2 ml Vanilla extract
1 lg Egg
175 g Nestle's chocolate chips (1

1. Preheat oven to 190 øC . Sift flour, salt, baking soda together
in a small bowl.

2. In another bowl, mix butter with two sugars, vanilla and egg until
smooth. gradually mix dry stuff in with butter mixture. Mix in
chocolate chips.

3. Put blobs of dough on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 190 øC for
8-10 minutes.

Author's Notes: There is no substitute for chocolate-chip cookies,
warm out of the oven, washed down with cold milk. This is Mom's
recipe, and Mom's Mom's recipe. This is also Nestle's ``TollHouse''
recipe, and the Joy of Cooking ``Chocolate-Chip Drop Cookies''
recipe, etc, which is no coincidence. This is the default recipe.
This is not Mrs. Field's recipe. If youwant Mrs. Field's, use a
shopping mall; if you want simple, elegant, timeless chocolate-chip
cookies, use this recipe.

Important: double all proportions above (always make 2x as much of
these as the recipe calls for). Let's face it: small is beautiful,
but big cookies are better than small ones. All the printed recipes
call for teeny cookies, dropped by teaspoonsful onto cookie sheets
(yield 50). My ``blobs of dough'' are golf-ball sized, which makes
healthy 3-4 inch cookies. I invariably make these on the spur of the
moment, and so usually nuke the butter in a microwave to soften it
up. I also occasionally cheat and soften up the butter/sugar mixture
a tad in the oven. Try adding walnuts, macadamias, white chocolate,
orange peel, butterscotch chips, or mint - all these are welcome
variations. But keep it simple.

Difficulty : easy to moderate. Precision
: measure the ingredients.

Recipe By : Mike Hawley, ucbvax!dagobah!mike The Droid Works, San

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