Cranberry-almond torte - country living

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Recipe by: vixey

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 c Sliced natural almonds 2/3 c Granulated sugar
6 Large eggs Cranberry Filling and
1/2 c Pkd unseasoned bread -Topping (recipe follows)
-crumbs 1/2 c Heavy cream
2 tb All-purpose flour 1 tb Confectioners' sugar
1 ts Baking powder 1/4 ts Almond extract

1. Heat oven to 350'F. In shallow bak- ing pan or rimmed baking sheet,
spread out almonds. Bake almonds 10 minutes or until golden brown,
stirring once. Remove almonds from oven; cool.

2. Grease and flour three 9-inch-round baking pans. Separate eggs,
placing whites in large bowl and yolks in small bowl; warm to room

3. Pick over almond slices and remove about half of the best slices
for the side of the cake; set aside. In food processor, with chopping
blade, process remaining almonds until finely ground. In small bowl,
combine ground almonds, bread crumbs, flour, and baking powder.

4. Heat oven to 350'F. With electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft
peaks form; gradually beat in 1/3 C sugar until stiff peaks form. Set
beaten whites aside. With same beaters, beat egg yolks with remaining
1/3 C sugar until thick and pale yellow-about 5 minutes.

5. Stir almond mixture into beaten yolks. With rubber spatula, fold
about 1 C beaten egg whites into almond-yolk mixture until well
mixed; then fold yolk mixture into remaining beaten egg whites.
Divide batter among prepared pans, spreading evenly.

6. Bake 15 minutes or until cakes spring back when gently touched with
fingertip. Cool cakes in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove cakes
from pans; cool completely on wire racks.

7. Meanwhile prepare Cranberry Filling and Topping.

8. To assemble cake: In small bowl, with electric mixer, combine
cream, confectioners' sugar, and almond extract on iow speed just
until mixed. At me- dium-high speed, beat until stiff peaks form.
Place one cake layer, top side down, on serving plate; spread with
1/2 C cranberry filling. Place another layer on top and spread with
1/2 C cranberry filling. Place remaining layer on top; spread side of
cake and 1/2 inch around edge of top layer with whipped cream. Fill
top center with any leftover filling then the cranberry topping.

9. Insert some almond slices around top edge of cake; pat remaining
slices around side of cake. Refrigerate cake until serving time.

Cranberry Filling and Topping: In 2- quart saucepan, combine 1 C
sugar and 2 1/2 T cornstarch. Stir in 1/4 C water. Heat to boiling,
stirring constantly. Add 1 1/2 12-oz pk cranberries, picked over and
rinsed (about 4 1/2 C); return to boiling. Boil gently 1 minute,
stirring occasionally, just until some berries begin to burst open.
Do not allow all berries to pop. Remove from heat. With slotted spoon
remove berries from their sauce to bowl to cool for the topping. Pour
sauce into measuring C and refrigerate until cold enough to spread on
cake for the filling.

Country Living/Nov/90 Scanned fixed by DP GG

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