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Recipe by: semra
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
12 oz Fresh Cranberries (3 Cups) 1 lg Unpeeled Orange, sliced
2/3 c Boiling Water -and finely diced
1 c Raisins 2 1/2 c Sugar
Wash berries; remove any stems; drain. In medium saucepan, combine
berries with 23 cup cold water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat and
cook just until skins break--5 minutes.
In 6-quart non-aluminum kettle, combine berries, 23 cup boiling
water, raisins, orange and sugar. Bring to boiling point, stirring
constantly; reduce heat and gently simmer, uncovered and stirring
occasionally, 15 minutes. Mixture will be thick. Pour into
sterilized jars and seal by turning upside down for 5 minutes, then
turn slowly back upright.
Recipe By : Grandma's Recipes
From: Marjorie Scofield Date: 04-03-95 (160) Fido:
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