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Recipe by: vaya
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
--------------------FROM: SUZZE TIERNAN-------------------------
This is a family recipe, They are too busy filling
-and of course over the -up (and I do mean FILLING
-holidays, they -up) with the gleasants.
Came into the conversation 1 ea Chicken (preferably a
-(they always do). I think -roaster)
-it is a 1 ea Onion, cut up
German recipe. The chicken Salt and pepper to taste
-is secondary, no one cares 2 c Flour
-to eat that 1/2 t Salt
Boil chicken until tender with onion, salt and pepper. Combine flour
with the 1/2 tsp. salt and enough cold water to make a dough of
rollable consistency. Roll out thin on floured board and cut into 2
1/2 " squares. Remove chicken from broth, adding hot water if broth
is too thick.While broth is boiling drop in dough squares, stirring
as more are added. Turn down heat and let simmer 15 minutes
Submitted By PAT STOCKETT On 11-12-94
Celebrity chef with 3 stars at the Michelin Guide, with worldwide restaurants!
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Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
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