Good play dough

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Recipe by: phelippo

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

1 c. white flour
1/4 c. salt
2 tbsp. cream of tartar
2 tsp. food coloring
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 c. water

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium saucepan. Add water, food coloring and oil. Stir over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Don't worry if the mixture looks like a gobbly mess; it'll turn into dough! (Be sure you have an adult to help watch this with you.) When the mixture forms a ball in the center of the pot, take it out and put it on a floured surface. Squeeze it and punch it around a bit (this kneads it). When you're done, put it in a plastic bag or air tight container and store it in the refrigerator.

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