Green beans in mustard sauce

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Recipe by: tarida

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Green Beans

1/2 ts Mustard seed 1/4 c Pine nuts or Almonds
1 pn Rosemary or Rue 1 ts Wine vinegar
1/4 ts Cummin 1/4 c Beef stock
2 ts Honey

Steam the green beans in a little water till tender, and partially

To prepare the mustard sauce, fgrind together mustard seed, rosemary
(or rue) and cumin. Add to honey, finely chopped nuts, vinegar, and
stock. Heat the sauce, then pour it into the pan of cooked grean
beans. Stir and simmer for a few minutes. Serve with butter and a
sprinkling of pepper.

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