Kentucky turkey and bacon brochettes

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Recipe by: marinke

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 Skinless, boneless Turkey 1 Kentucky Marinade
Thighs 8 Strips thinly sliced Bacon
1/2 ts Salt

---------------------KENTUCKY MARINADE--------------------------
1 bn Scallions 1/4 c (packed) Brown Sugar
1/3 c Dijon Mustard 1/4 c Flavorless cooking Oil
1/4 c Kentucky Burbon Whiskey

1) Rinse turkey with cold water and pat dry. Cut each thigh into 8
equal pieces and season with salt. Place in bowl with marinade and
toss well. Cover and marinate 2 hours at room temperature, or as long
as 48 hours refrigerated.
2) Prepare a hot fire. Cut bacon strips in half crosswise ands lay
flat on a clean work surface. Lift turkey from mariande and place 1
piece on each bacon slice. Wrap bacon around turkey meat and thread 4
pieces onto each of 4 oiled metal skewers, taking care that the bacon
is secured.
3) Place brochettes on an oiled grill set about 6 inches from coals.
Grill brochettes, turnming an moving occasionally and basting with
reserved mariande, until bacon is well browned and turkey is cooked
through, about 10 minutes. *KENTUCKY MARINADE* Process all
ingredients in a blender of food processor until thoroughly combined.
Mariande can be stored in a covered jar in refrigerator for 3 days.

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