Lemon chiffon sauce

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Recipe by: elizan

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 pk Daisy or Daisy Light sour 1/3 c Powdered sugar
-cream 1/4 c Frozen lemon concentrate
3/4 c Milk

Combine Daisy or Daisy Light sour cream, milk, powdered sugar and
frozen lemonade concentrate. Blend one drop food coloring with
approximately 1/4 of the sauce and pour into squeeze bottle. Cover
individual serving plates with uncolored sauce and arrange fruit on
top. Use colored sauce to create a design on each serving. Garnish
with mint. Submitted By MICHAEL ORCHEKOWSKI On 10-24-94

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