Lemon violet muffins - country living

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Recipe by: jiene

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
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Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

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Prepare Sweet Potato-Pecan Muffins (above), substituting 2 T grated
lemon rind and 1/3, C chopped candied violets for the sweet potato
and pecans. When cool, spread glaze thinly on tops; garnish with
Candied Lemon Peel and candied violets, if desired.

Candied Lemon Peel: With vegetable peeler, remove yellow peel from 1
lemon and cut into 1/8-inch-wide julienne strips. Drop strips into
boiling water and blanch 1 minute. Drain strips in strainer and
return to dry saucepan. Stir in 1 T sugar and heat until sugar
dissolves and coats the peel; set aside.

Lemon Glaze: In small bowl, combine 2 t lemon juice and 1/2 C
confectioners' sugar until smooth.

Country Living/Oct/93 Scanned fixed by DP GG

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