Mocha madness - part ii

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Recipe by: florimaine

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Immediately remove the pan from the heat and strain the custard
through a fine- meshed strainer into a stainless steel bowl. Place
the bowl over a larger bowl of ice water and stir the custard for 5
to 10 minutes, or until cool. Remove the bowl from the ice water and
stir in the vanilla. Cover the surface of the custard with plastic
wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours, or until very cold. Scrape the
chilled custard into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the
manufacturer's instructions. Just before the ice cream is ready, add
the chocolate and process until evenly distributed throughout the
ice cream. Pack the ice cream into a covered container and freeze
for at least 2 or 3 hours, or overnight.

Make the mocha sauce: Combine the chocolate and espresso powder in a
medium bowl. In a small saucepan, combine the cream, sugar, and
butter. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon,
until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture comes to a gentle
boil. Pour the cream mixture over the chocolate. Let stand for 30
seconds to melt the chocolate. (The sauce can be prepared up to 2
days ahead and kept refrigerated. Rewarm in the top of a double
boiler over hot, not simmering, water -- or in a microwave on MEDIUM
[50%] power.)

Put a small scoop of the chocolate ice cream in the bottom of each
of the six parfait glasses, and top each one with a small scoop of
the mocha chip ice cream. Drizzle some of the mocha sauce over each

Repeat the layering process with the remaining ice cream and sauce.
Top each parfait with a dollop of whipped cream and a few
chocolate-covered coffee beans. Sift cocoa powder over the top and
serve immediately.
- Judith Sutton
Submitted By JIM WELLER On 11-29-95

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