Potato salad #2

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Recipe by: marinke

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

5 lb Potatoes, red skinned 2 ts Seeds, celery
-- peeled, quartered 1 1/2 ts Salt
2 tb Vinegar, cider 1 ts Pepper, black
1/2 lb Bacon Water (to cover)
3/4 c Onion, chopped 3/4 c Parsley, chopped (garnish)

2 lg Eggs 1/2 c Vinegar, cider
1/3 c Mustard 2 tb Vinegar, cider
1 c Sugar 7 oz Water

Potatoes: =========

Cook the potatoes in enough water to cover with the 2
tablespoons of vinegar added to the water. Cook until tender. The
vinegar keeps the potatoes firm.

Place the cooked potatoes in a large pan (she used a fifteen inch
round cake pan) and add the cooked bacon and drippings. Toss the
potatoes and bacon together.

Add the rest of the ingredients: salt, pepper, and celery seed.
Add the onions and parsley. Dressing: =========

Whisk the eggs in a sauce pan. Add the mustard and whisk. Add
the sugar and whisk. Add the cider vinegar and whisk.

Turn the heat up to get the mixture to a boil. When it begins to
boil, reduce the heat and whisk and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes.
Pour the dressing over the potatoes, toss, and cover with plastic
wrap, stirring occasionally, for three hours while the potatoes
absorb the sauce.

Source: "Heirloom Recipes" by Marcia Adams, 1994
Submitted By ROB STEWART On 11-12-94

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