"Discover how to cook this soup recipe. Soup recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Soup recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick soup recipe!"
Recipe by: ophelien
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
1/4 c Butter
1 lg Sweet onions, sliced
2 md Potatoes, sliced
2 qt Water
1 tb Salt
1/4 c Butter
1/2 c Cream
3 tb Chives
Saute onions in butter until tender. Add potatoes, water and salt;
bring to boil. Simmer 45 minutes. Remove from heat. Blend mixture
until smooth. Return to saucepan, add butter, cream, and chives. Heat
(do not boil or cream will curdle).
Source: Rock Springs Sweet Onion Festival Cook Book 1992
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