Real almendrado

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Recipe by: berke

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

-------------------FROM: ARIZONA COOKBOOK------------------------
This is an interesting Alternating with the
-dessert that can be made -gelatin liquid, using an
-to look -electric beated at
Like the Mexican flag if High speed. Add vanilla,
-colored and layered -almond and salt. Be sure
-correctly. -to whip thoroughly
1 1/2 ea Envelopes Knox gelatin, So the gelatin blends
-unflavored -completely with the egg
1/2 c Cold water -whites.
1/4 c Boiling water Divide the mixutre into
6 ea Egg whites -three parts, leaving one
1/2 c Sugar -part white, delicately
1/2 t Vanilla Tinting the others red and
1/2 t Almond extract -green to resemble the
pn Salt -Mexican flag. Alternate
Red and green food coloring Layers by spooning into a
Soak gelatin in cold water. -loaf pan lined with waxed
-Add boiling water to -paper which extends
-dissolve. Cool. Above the mixture. Chill at
Beat egg whites stiff, but -least 4 hours and serve
-not dry. Gradually add the -with the following

CUSTARD pn Of salt
2 T Cornstarch 6 ea Egg yolks
1 T Cold milk 1/2 t Vanilla
3 c Scalded milk 1/2 t Almond extract
1/2 c Sugar sl Toasted almonds

Dissolve cornstarch in cold milk, add to scalded milk, sugar and
salt. Boil until slightly thickened, stirring constantly. Beat egg
yolks, vanilla and almond extracts. Slowly add to hot mixture. Stir
constantly until slightly thickened (about 1 minute). Chill. To
serve: slice almendrado and top with the custard sauce and sliced
toasted almonds.

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