Real calzone imbottito (stuffed pizza)

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Recipe by: riwana

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

-Filling: 2 Eggs, beaten
4 oz Mozzarella 4 Fresh basil leaves, chopped
1 c Ricotta -salt and freshly ground
4 oz Cooked ham -black pepper
2 tb Freshly grated Parmesan -a little milk for glazing

(makes 4 calzone)

use 1 lb pizza dough (use your own recipe, or substitute 1 lb frozen
pizza dough. If you're really desperate, frozen bread dough will

1. Make the dough as described in the basic recipe 2. Cut the
mozzarella and the ham into strips. 3. Beat the eggs (keeping a
little aside for sealing the dough envelopes) and add the Parmesan
cheese, basil, a pinch of salt and 2 or 3 grinds of black pepper. Mix
this in with the ricotta,, mozzarella and ham so as to form a
reasonably soft paste. 4. Preheat the oven to 425 F (220 C) 5. Divide
the dough into 4 balls. Flatten these one at a time, forming a small
pizza 1/2 inch thick. 6. Place these on a dry cloth and put a quarter
of the filling on half of each pizza. Cover the filling by folding
the pizza in half, and seal it by wetting the edge with a little
beaten egg and pressing a fork on the join. 7. Brush the dough over
with a little milk. 8. Place the calzone on a well-oiled baking tray
and bake for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.

From: April Bowman-Fox Date: 16 Apr 94
Submitted By DALE SHIPP On 01-25-95

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