"Discover how to cook this appetizers recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Appetizers recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick appetizers recipe!"
Recipe by: ismaila
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
1 md Head cauliflower 1 tb Butter
2 tb Water 1/2 c Grated sharp Cheddar cheese
1/4 ts Salt -(optional)
1 tb Flour Paprika
1/2 c Milk
1. Wash cauliflower and separate into flowerets.
2. Place flowerets and water in a deep, 1 1/2-quart, heat- resistant,
non-metallic casserole.
3. Heat, covered, in Microwave Oven 7 to 9 minutes. Set aside.
4. In a medium-sized, heat-resistant, non-metallic bowl melt butter,
uncovered, in Microwave Oven 15 seconds.
5. Blend in flour and salt. Stir till smooth. Gradually add milk.
6. Heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven for 1 minute. Stir. Heat an
1 1/2 minutes or until sauce is thickened and smooth. Stir
occasionally. 7. Stir grated cheese into sauce.
8. Pour sauce over cauliflower and heat, uncovered, in Micro- wave
Oven 1 minute or until cauliflower is heated through.
9. Sprinkle paprika over sauce before serving.
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