Real kokina avga (easter eggs)

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Recipe by: cootje

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Uncooked Eggs
3/4 c Vinegar
Red food dye or coloring
Vegetable oil
A few cotton balls

One of the nicest Greek customs is the use of red
eggs for the Easter celebration. It is unthinkable to
set an Easter table without these eggs, for they add
to the celebration and happy atmosphere.

To prepare:

Carefully wash and dry each egg. Set a large pot
of water to boil. Add a red dye or food coloring and
3/4 cup of vinegar to the water, and boil for a few
minutes. Slowly lower the eggs into the pot, and when
the water comes to a boil, lower the heat. Let eggs
simmer for 15 min., then remove them carefully from
the pot. If you plan to cook more eggs, add an
additional 2 tbs. vinegar to the water. Wipe cooked
eggs with an oil-soaked cotton ball, then wipe each
egg with a clean dry cloth. Place on a platter.
Serve cold.

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