Real nettle soup

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Recipe by: abdourahim

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

2 l rinsed leaves of stinging nettle
1.5 l water
2 tbsp (30 g) butter
3 tbsp (50 ml) flour
25 - 50 g chives
2 beef bouillon cubes
salt, pepper

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Proceed as follows:
Let the nettle leaves simmer until tender, usually 5 - 10 minutes is enough.
Strain and set the liquid aside.
Puree the nettles together with the chives in a food processor. The result should be a creamy paste.
Melt the butter in a deep casserole, add the flour and mix thouroughly at moderate heat.
Add the nettle water while stirring, then add the nettle puree. Let simmer for a few minutes, then add salt and pepper if required.

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