Real vietnamese chicken salad with tahini sauce

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Recipe by: michaËlla

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 Whole chicken breasts
-skin removed
6 To ten green onions
1 Small carrot
4 To six c shredded Bok Choy
2 To three tbsps of peanuts
1/4 c Tahini
1 To two T Chinese Hot Oil
3 tb Soy sauce
1/4 c Of Peanut Oil
3 tb Of red wine vinegar
2 ts Of sugar
1 Garlic clove, minced

This is a wonderful spicy dressing and it is served o the side so that
diners can adjust the heat level to their own preference. Cook the
chicken. Cool and cut into thin strips. Cut onions and carrot into
thin strips. Mix chicken, onions, carrots and bok choy. Sprinkle
peanuts on top. For the dressing, beat tea into tahini in a small
bowl then mix in all the remaining dressing ingredients. Serve salad
with the dressing on the side. Dressing is very spicy. Makes 6

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