Roast prime rib of beef

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Recipe by: nour-adama

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Freshly ground black pepper
1 tb Dark soy sauce
1 1/2 tb Kitchen Bouquet
1 tb Dry Clman's Mustard
1 (8 to 9-pound) beef
-roast, bone in
1 c Peeled and sliced ye
-onions, 1/8" thick

-------------------------WINE SAUCE------------------------------
2 1/2 c Beef Stock *
1/2 c Dry red wine
Salt to taste

Rub the seasoning on the roast in the order listed. Use the pepper to
taste. Pack the sliced onion on the roast. Place the roast on a rack
roasting pan. Roast in a preheated 450 F. oven 20 minutes. Reduce
hea 325 F. and roast 1 hour more. Reduce heat again to 300 F. and
roast 1 hour more, or until beef registers 115 F. for rare in the
center when tested with a meat thermonmeter. Remove from the oven
and allow to st 15 minutes in a warm place. slice and serve
immediately with Wine Sau for Beef.

For Wine Sauce: Bring the beef stock and wine to a boil in a small
saucepan. Simmer, uncovered, until reduced to 2 cups. Add any pan
drippings from the rib roast to the sauce. Strian the sauce and skim
as much fat as possible. Add salt to taste. Serve with beef. Home
made beef stock is better than store bought. Recipe from frugal
Gourmet Celebrates Christmas.
Submitted By TANANA REYNOLDS On 05-22-95

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