Seitan with red and green peppers

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/4 c Whole wheat pastry flour 1 Red pepper; sliced
1/2 ts Garlic powder 1 Green pepper; sliced
2 c Seitan; cut into thin, bite- 2 c Mushrooms; sliced
-sized pieces 1 1/2 tb Arrowroot
3 tb Oil 1 1/2 c Seitan or vegetable broth
1 lg Onion; sliced

Mix together the flour and the garlic powder. Dredge the pieces of
seitan in flour to coat them on both sides.

Heat 2 tbs of the oil in a skillet and fry the pieces of seitan
until they are brown and crispy. Set aside the fried seitan and keep
it warm while you cook the vegetables.

Heat the remaining tbs of oil. Add the onion and saute for 2-3
minutes. Add the peppers and saute for a few minutes more; then add
the mushrooms and about 1/2 cup (one-third) of the seitan or
vegetable broth. Cover and simmer until the vegetables are tender,
but still a bit crisp.

Dissolve the arrowroot in the remaining broth (if the broth is hot,
dissolve the arrowroot in 2/4 cup of cold water first, then add it to
the broth). Pour the arrowroot broth into the skillet with the
Mix well.

Raise the heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce

Serve the vegetables in their sauce over a bed of rice miollet,
buckwheat or pasta. Top with the pieces of seitan.

From the files of DEEANNE

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