Tex-mex tuna casserole

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Recipe by: thirza

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Drained, flaked, water
Packed tuna
2 c Low-fat cottage cheese
3/4 c Sour cream
1/4 c Diced red onion
1/4 c Canned, diced green chiles
2 tb Salsa
3 c Cooked, drained noodles
12 ea Saltine crackers
12 ea Dry, roasted, unsalted
Cashew nuts, chopped

1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. 2. In large bowl, combine tuna, cottage
cheese, sour cream, red onion, chiles, salsa and noodles. 3. Turn into 2
quart casserole dish coated with non stick spray. 4. Combine crackers and
cashews and sprinkle over top. 5. Bake uncovered 30 minutes.

NOTE: The amount of vegetable in this recipe works out to 1 TB per person,
therefore not enough to use a vege card. If you want to boost it up to 1
vegie card, serve with 1/3 cup of steamed vegetables per person.

DAM CARDS: 1 Bread
: 1 Meat
: 1 FAt
: 1 DAiry

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BBS: Ned's Opus Date: 02-28-94 (02:40) Number: 200 From: JOANNE DANZER
Refer#: 199 To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: DAM/WW RECIPES Conf: (7) Dieting

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