Tofu (4)

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Recipe by: carmelien

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:


Boil a bunch of soybeans in a big pot until they get soft. Mush them
up somehow a blender does a good job. You should keep enough water
in the pot so the resulting mush is fairly liquidy maybe like a thin

Strain the resulting mush somehow a few layers of cloth or a fine
strainer depending on how finely you mushed stuff up. Try to squeeze
out all the liquid. Put the solid part in the compost or feed it to
your pigs or whatever. Put the liquid part back in the pot and get
it boiling. By the way, you now have soy milk you can just stop now
and drink it if you'd like.

Now comes the fun part, you need to put something in the boiling
liquid to make in coagulate. The normal thing for tofu is called
Nagara (Ok, I don't know how to spell it). Anything acidic (lemon
juice, lime juice, hot pepper juice, etc) will work but of course
it'll alter the flavor a bit. Just put in enough coagulant (while
stirring) until the stuff coagulates. It might take a few minutes.
Turn the heat off and let it sit for ten minutes or so, then pour it
through some cheesecloth. You can rinse the curds off to remove some
of the flavor of the coagulant taste them first to see if you need
too. Press the solid part with some form of weight. The longer and
harder you press it, the firmer it'll be. Converted by MMCONV vers.

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