Warm salad with chantrelles tarragon

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Recipe by: florimond

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

12 oz Mesclun Lettuce, torn into
Bite-sized pieces
2 Shallots, finely chopped
2 tb Canola Oil
4 oz Chantrelle Mushrooms, sliced
1/3 c Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 c Tarragon Vinegar
1 tb Fresh Tarragon, chopped, or
1/4 ts Dried Tarragon
Salt and Pepper

Arrange greens on 4 serving plates. Set aside. In a medium skillet
saute shallots in canola oil over medium-high heat 1-2 minutes until
lightly browned. Add chantrelles and toss 30-60 seconds. Remove from
heat. Stir in olive oil, vinegar, tarragon and salt and pepper to
taste. Heat through over medium heat, whisking gently, until dressing
is blended and just begins to simmer. Spoon hot mushroom dressing
over greens. Serve at once.

Source: Victoria Magazine, April 1994 Typed by Katherine Smith
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