Watermelon-green peppercorn salsa

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Recipe by: oumaÏmae

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 tb Onion, red; minced
2 1/2 lb Watermelon
3 tb Lime juice; divided
2 tb Peppercorns, green; rinsed
-and patted dry
1/8 ts Salt
1/8 ts Cayenne, ground

Cover the red onion with cold water and let sit ten minutes to reduce
some of the acidity. Drain and pat dry with paper towels.

Remove and discard the rind from the watermelon. Cut the flesh into
half-inch cubes, removing as many of the seeds as possible. Combine
with the red onion, twqo tablespoons of the lime juice, the
peppercorns, salt, and cayenne. Refrigerate for about one hour.

Just before serving, stir in the remaining tablespoon of lime juice.
Serve the salsa with grilled, baked, or broiled chicken or fish.

Calories: 35 Protein: 1 g Carbohydrates: 8 g
Sodium: 42 mg Fat: 0 Cholesterol: 0

[THE BALTIMORE SUN; Aug 26, 1990]
per Fred Peters

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