Best strawberry lemonade

"Discover how to prepare this drink recipe. Drink recipe for free. Delicious drink recipe explained step by step. Easy and quick drink recipe for free!"
Recipe by: deauke

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 qt Fresh Strawberries, Hulled 2 c Club Soda, Chilled
3 c Cold Water 1 x Ice
3/4 c Lemon Juice 1 x Garnishes **
3/4 c Sugar *

* Up to 1 cup sugar may be used to sweeten lemonade.
** Garnishes could be more strawberries and/or mint leaves.
In blender containier, puree strawberries. In pitcher, combine pureed
strawberries, water, lemon juice, and sugar; stir until sugar dissolves.
Add club soda. Serve over ice and garnish with strawberries and/or mint

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