Terrine of america's three smoked fish

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 lb Fish, white, fillets (such 6 dr Hot pepper sauce
-- as monkfish, or halibut) 2 ts Salt
-- trimmed, cut into chunks 1 pn Pepper, white
1/2 lb Fish, white, smoked, cut 1 1/4 lb Salmon, chilled, cut into
-- into chunks -- 1/2-inch-thick slices
2 Egg yolks 1 1/4 lb Sturgeon, smoked, chilled
3 Egg whites -- sliced into 1/2-inch
2 c Cream, whipping -- thick slices
1/2 c Parsley, chopped

2 Egg yolks 2 c Cream, sour
1 tb Water, cold 1/4 c Champagne OR
1 c Oil, vegetable 1/4 c Wine, white, dry (opt)
2 tb Oil, vegetable 2 ts Salt (or to taste)
6 tb Vinegar, white wine 1/2 ts Pepper, black, ground

2 Eggs, cooked, hard 4 oz Caviar, golden (fresh white
1 sm Onion, finely chopped -- fish roe)
1/4 c Parsley, chopped 4 oz Caviar, sturgeon

For Mousse:

Process fish fillets, smoked white fish, and egg yolks to smooth
puree in processor, working in batches as necessary and scraping down
sides occasionally. Add egg whites one by one, blending well. Gradually
add cream, scraping sides of bowl as needed. Transfer mousse to bowl and
place bowl in a larger bowl of ice. Stir in 1/2 cup parsley, hot pepper
sauce, salt and a pinch of pepper. Adjust seasonings to taste and chill

Lightly butter a 12 x 3 x 4-inch ceramic terrine (a standard 9 x
3-inch loaf pan can also be used). Preheat oven to 350 F. Place well
chilled smoked salmon on work surface and split it down center, removing
any small bones. Cut each half into rectangles about 2 inches wide and
the length of the mold, squaring off edges neatly. Cut two rectangles of
smoked sturgeon to the same size.

Use a rubber spatula to spread 1/4 inch layer of mousse evenly over
the bottom and sides of the mold. Lay one rectangle of smoked salmon down
the center. Spread a 1/2 inch thick layer of mousse over the salmon,
smoothing neatly. Top with a layer of smoked sturgeon, then 1/2 inch
layer of mousse; repeat until mold is filled, ending with smooth layer of
mousse. Tap filled pan gently on work surface to eliminate air bubbles.
Top with buttered aluminum foil, buttered side down. Wrap a second layer
of foil over top and place mold in a roasting pan.

Place the pan on the center rack of your oven and pour hot water into
roasting pan to come about halfway up outside of terrine. Bake 45 to 60
minutes, or until a skewer inserted in center comes out clean (a 9 x 3
inch mold may take as long as 1 hour and 10 minutes.) Remove the mold
from the water bath and cool on rack.

For Dressing:

Place egg yolks and water in bowl of mixer and beat until creamy. Add
oil very slowly. When about half of the oil has been incorporated, begin
alternating oil and vinegar, adding them in a thin stream. Whisk in sour
cream briefly, then Champagne. Add salt and pepper and chill dressing,
thinning, if necessary, with a little milk.

To garnish; separate the hard cooked egg yolks from egg whites and
chop each coarsely. Use a napkin to press whites and yolks separately
through a sieve.

To serve, run a knife around the edges of the terrine, then unmold by
inverting it onto a serving platter. Holding a kitchen towel dipped in
hot water over the mold for a few seconds, lift off the mold. Slice the
terrine with a knife dipped in cold water. Cover the bottom of each
chilled serving plate with dressing. Center a slice of terrine on each
plate. Surround the terrine with a ring of chopped egg yolk and egg white,
onion and parsley. Place 6 small spoonfuls of caviar, 2 of each kind of
roe, over the garnishes around the plate.

Serve immediately.
Source: New York's Master Chefs, Bon Appetit Magazine
: Written by Richard Sax, Photographs by Nancy McFarland
: The Knapp Press, Los Angeles, 1985

Chef: Larry Forgione, An American Place Restaurant, New York

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